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College Hill Church of Christ
Alva, Oklahoma

Ray of Light

Little Lamb


Ray of Light
From our Minister,
Dr W Jay Tyree
The family at College Hill is like a good piece of pie - it just makes you want more. My family has been in love with this congregation since the dawn of the millennium. After serving as minister from 2000-2006, we left to pursue some other important work in the Kingdom. In the fall of 2013, the Elders were kind enough to invite us to return. We jumped at the chance. Come see for yourself. Life is good on the Hill!
The College Hill Church of Christ would like to welcome you to Alva, Oklahoma and invite you to come and be a part of our spiritual family.
Services are held weekly on Sunday and Wednesday
Morning Class 9:30
Woship Service 10:30
Afternoon Worship 1:30
Evening Worship 7:00

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